About Us
Inkwell Pictures
Inkwell Pictures is a multimedia production company launched in January 2015 by Marvin and Melvin Coleman, the brothers who founded GodBlessed Entertainment in 2001. Inkwell Pictures also encompasses Soulchild Entertainment, the stage production company founded in 2005 by Melvin Coleman, which has released such hit stage productions as IF HE ONLY KNEW, GOLD DIGGERS, MAN OF GOD, and BIG GIRLS NEED LOVE TOO. Together, Soulchild Entertainment and Inkwell Pictures have released a broad range of mainstream, genre and specialty films.
Inkwell Pictures is also active in television and internet production. The company is currently in pre-production for its new hit web series Fade To Black and the 2nd season of the sitcom "Man Cave". Also in the works are the 2nd season of Mocha Brown's Coffee Lounge, My Life Interrupted, Black Book, and The Fallen and the Faithful.

The Team
The People of Inkwell Pictures

James Lincoln
LaTraia Savage
Production Manager
Production Manager

Amanda Hilaire

Felicia Bell
Production Manager
Production Manager